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French Ceramic Tile Coffee Table with Dark Wood Finish, 1950s


A 1950s low coffee table, shaped by the skilled hands of an artisan from La Borne, France. The rich wooden frame, grounded by four block legs, supports a mosaic of ceramic tiles. In warm, earthy tones of sand and terracotta, the tiles create a striking geometric composition that is reminiscent of designs by Jean Jean Linard.

Nestled in the Berry region of Central France, the quaint town of La Borne has long been celebrated as a "Village of Potters." Its pottery heritage dates back to the 13th century, thanks to its location amidst lush forests and wetlands nourished by the Loire River. 

From the early 1940s to the 1980s, La Borne emerged as a hub for a transformative art movement that redefined sculptural ceramics. Artists emphasized the inherent strength, color, and texture of clay and stoneware, showcasing them through innovative shapes and glazes.

DIMENSIONS : 43.75 "L x 22.25 "D x 12.25 "H



ORIGINE : France

PÉRIODE : 1950s

MATÉRIAUX : Ceramic,Tile,Wood

CONDITION : Great vintage condition, with very minor scuffs along the edges and small indentations to the wood frame.

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French Ceramic Tile Coffee Table with Dark Wood Finish, 1950s

A 1950s low coffee table, shaped by the skilled hands of an artisan from La Borne, France. The rich wooden frame, grounded by four block legs, supports a mosaic of ceramic tiles. In warm, earthy tones of sand and terracotta, the tiles create a striking geometric composition that is reminiscent of designs by Jean Jean Linard.

Nestled in the Berry region of Central France, the quaint town of La Borne has long been celebrated as a "Village of Potters." Its pottery heritage dates back to the 13th century, thanks to its location amidst lush forests and wetlands nourished by the Loire River. 

From the early 1940s to the 1980s, La Borne emerged as a hub for a transformative art movement that redefined sculptural ceramics. Artists emphasized the inherent strength, color, and texture of clay and stoneware, showcasing them through innovative shapes and glazes.

Width: 43.75"
Depth: 22.25"
Height: 12.25"
Origin: France
Period: 1950s
Materials: Ceramic,Tile,Wood
Great vintage condition, with very minor scuffs along the edges and small indentations to the wood frame.

685 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL 60642 | | (312) 291-8479